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Parents Powerschool Transcript

What’s up raider fans? In this video we will take a look at the powerschool website from the parent/guardian perspective.

To get to powerschool for Richmond county you can type into the address bar and that will take you directly to this login screen. 

If you know the login information you can just log in And click sign in in the bottom right of the box.

If you don’t know your username or password, Click the “forgot username or password link below where you log in.

After clicking the link, You will be taken to the recover account sign in page. 

The default tab is the “forgot password tab”. If you need to reset your password, Enter your powerschool username and school email address… And then click enter. This will send an email with a link and directions on how to reset your password. If you can’t find it in your inbox, check your junk mail or spam mail folder.  

If you forgot your username or both your username and password, You’ll need to select the forgot username tab. From there, You will need to enter your email address you provided to the school system. And then click enter. This will send an email with your username. You can then log in using that username. After you get your username to reset your password. 

Once you have your username and password, enter them And then select the sign in button. This will take you to your dashboard.

If you are still having problems logging in, contact Marian Thomson at the school board office for assistance.

This is your dashboard. It gives you a quick look at your student’s schedule, grades and attendance. If you have multiple students in the school systems you will see tabs with those students' names at the top left of the page. By selecting a student’s name, you will be able to toggle between your students. 

The Navigation bar on the left will allow you to navigate to different aspects of powerschool.

And this district code, WZHM, is the code you will need the first time you sign in to the powerschool app.

In the main part of your screen you will see your student’s schedule with a summary of their grades and attendance.

Their schedule and daily attendance for the current week and previous week are shown here on the left. And the individual marking period, semester, and year grades are found here on the right. So is the summary of attendance to date. 

You also have the ability to email your student’s teachers by clicking on their teacher’s name.

The grades on the screen only reflect the grades the teacher has entered into powerschool. Please be aware that these grades could give an incomplete view of your students progress. To see exactly how you are doing, Click on the grade of the class that you would like to know more about.

This will take you to the class page. 

On the class page, you will be able to see the due date, category, and assignment names.

Sometimes you will see flags showing the statues of the grade.

The legend at the bottom of the page shows what each flag means. 

The grade is displayed on the right side of the page. It is broken down into score, percentage, letter grade, and any comments the teacher has made about the assignment or your student’s score in particular. 

Notice the assignment at the top of the list. There is no grade. This assignment could be missing and the teacher may be waiting to receive the assignment to be graded. This blank grade could turn into a zero if not turned in. So be diligent in checking your student’s assignments and communicating with your teacher about assignments that don’t have a grade. 

To get back to the home page, Click the PowerSchool SIS icon at the top left of the page. 

That is an overview of the PowerSchool website. Powerschool also has an app for mobile devices. The app will push notifications to you and your student when there are grade changes. Check out the video on setting up and logging in to the powerschool app to get access on your mobile device.