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Powerschool App Transcript

What’s up raider fans? In this video we will take a look at the powerschool app. 

If you have never logged into powerschool, you will need to go to the Richmond County powerschool website and log in there for the first time before you can login to the powerschool app. The website is

Once you have logged in on the website you will be able to access your profile on the app.

The first thing you will need to do is download the PowerSchool App from wherever you get apps. 

Once you have downloaded the app, you can then launch the app.

The first thing you will see is the district code screen. The Richmond County district code is WZHM. Enter those in the boxes provided and tap the continue button.

This will take you to the login page. Enter your powerschool username and password and tap the blue go button at the bottom of your keyboard.

If you have forgotten your password or username, you will need to go to the Richmond County powerschool website to recover it. Resetting your username and password from the app may not work. 

Once you have entered your credentials and hit “go”  you will then be taken to the powerschool app dashboard. 

You or your student’s profile will be shown at the top right corner of the screen. If you are a parent or guardian that has more than one student in the school system, you will see a drop down icon right beside the profile picture. Tap that dropdown icon to toggle between your student’s profiles. 

The dashboard will give you a quick overview of the profile. Beside class overview you will see the marking period dropdown. Selecting that dropdown will allow you to view the individual marking period grades as well as semester and year grades. 

As you look farther down you will see class cards with your student’s grade in them. These grades reflect only the assignments that have been turned in. The grade may change if there are missing or late assignments.

As you scroll to the bottom of the app you will see cards for upcoming assignments, recent assignments, and status comments on assignments.

You will also see an overview of attendance. 

The bottom toolbar allows you to toggle between the dashboard, classes, calendar, schedule and more.

Let’s take a look at one of the classes. To select a class, tap on the card of the class you want to take a closer look at.

This is what the class page looks like. As you can see, The course name and grading period are at the top. You can also see the Teacher card which shows you the teachers name and the class period they are in class.

On the right side of the teachers card you will see the email icon. Selecting that icon will allow you to email that teacher directly from the app. 

The current grade for the selected marking period will appear in the middle of the page with the assignments listed below it. 

The assignments will be listed from newest to oldest as you scroll. 

Take a look at the assignment in the middle of the page. You will notice that there is no grade for that assignment. This missing assignment could cause the overall grade to drop if it is not completed or made up. 

To get back to the powerschool dashboard, tap on the word dashboard at the top left of the screen or the dashboard icon at the bottom left of the screen. 

To get push notifications, tap the more icon at the bottom right of the screen. 

Tap Account

And then tap notifications. Toggling these switches will allow powerschool to push notifications about attendance and/or grade changes. 

To get back to the dashboard, tap on the dashboard button at the bottom left of the screen. 

Keeping up with your powerschool through the app or website will allow you to take control and ownership of you or your student’s progress throughout the year.